Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I heard a phrase on a radio news item about the impending split within the Anglican church which took me right back over the years- "actively homosexual". It reminded me of a Spitting Image sketch in which a Cof E priest asks George Carey what it means to be "non-actively" homosexual. Carey replies that it's Ok to wear a leather cap with a chain, with a leather waistcoat, and dance to the Village People, and proceeds to do just that, as the Church around him turns into a gay club.

"Organised religion" is starting to sound just as meaningless to me. You hear it from people who claim to be developing some kind of spirituality, but object to "organised religion" because boo, hiss, they repress sexuality, persecute minorities etc. As far as I'm concerned, if you're going to invest your faith in a non-existent being, then at least choose one whose followers have contributed to the history of morality. A bit paradoxical given my aversion to religious dogma, but at least it avoids the kind of hooey that the likes of Madonna spout, and which you can buy in shops that sell incense, prayer mats and other such tat. I'm actually with God's Rottweiller on that one- relativism sucks.

Catch me on a bad day and I'll stick the boot right into any kind of religion, but most priests and ministers I meet are more concerned with others' well-being than most. When I was at a very low point a few years ago I went and spoke with one of our neighbours, the local priest, and she was a bigger help than anyone, despite my stated atheism. It can't always be bad to train people in contemplation and compassion.

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