Sunday, October 08, 2006

After 14 years of faithful service, my vinyl copy of Miles Davis' "Kind of Blue" finally acquired a scratch recently. This may not sound like a big deal, but to imagine the effect it has on that particular track, imagine if a microsecond were stolen from your orgasm. The first thing that strikes you about the CD is that it's a fraction slower and thus about a quarter-tone lower. Apparently that's the way it was done originally- not that it diminishes the beauty of the music in the slightest. Nor does the remastering.

Even if you aren't a jazz fan, the £5 this album will cost you will be amly repaid over the years. Or burn it off your spoddy jazz-fan mate. Every solo will be as recognisable as an old friend, and yet still elude prediction. It is simply beautiful.

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