Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Greetings to my massed audience of millions. As I might ask my students, may I enquire as to your perceptions viz a viz this picture ? Prithee, what do you think he's doing, and where do you think he is ? (Though admittedly when it's reduced to Blogger siz e you probably won't be able to tell either of them)


Anonymous said...

At the beach, straining away at a mouth organ?

Tom Conway said...

Huzzah ! Correct in the main respect (mouth organ). Meant to be sitting somewhere in the deep south of the States (that's a freight train steaming by in the background). Maybe a few more obvious hints required re the location (maybe a lynch mob).

naneh said...

wierd....i thought he was getting high...what is a mouth organ? do you mean harmonica?

Tom Conway said...

A harmonica, yes, or "harp", as we musos call it. Not the stringed variety played by Pre-Raphaelite maidens............. He could be getting high I suppose, as there are quite a few blues songs on the subject- Cocaine, Spoonful, Champagne and Reefer...